December 2017 - Volume ix Issue iv

James; A Testimony of God's Goodness

James a SOCPM student since December 2016, attended his first SOCPM class, Malachi Dads; Psalm 1/The Heart of a Father, he had a burden of bitterness towards his son's mom. He would share how she is purposely making his life hell by demeaning him to their son. James despite his the  bitterness captured my heart because in large part, by appearance and some mannerisms he reminded me of my son Cameron.


I told James, 'you're never going to change your son's mother's heart to be loving towards you, only God can change hearts. You need to ask God to change your heart of bitterness to a heart of love. You can't expect someone to love you unless you love them.'

Over the next several weeks James prayers took on a whole new tune. Prayers were asking God to help him to remove his bitterness and praying for positive things for his son's mother.
Soon he was sharing in his class how he his heart was now forgiving towards her and how it was bringing more peace to his life. Confessing the sins he committed, how he is now able to forgive both his mom and dad for their sins. James was glowing in class as he shared how the demons of his past life were gone.

At the end of last term's class James me the following note.

Scott, I want to thank you for showing me the way to Christ. I came down here last October and got lucky enough to hear the buzz about your classes you teach and lucky enough to get to be part of it (although it’s not luck). Your love for God and living in the walk of Christ inspired me since the first day to accept Jesus as my savior and pursue a righteous life. I know Jesus now, and it’s amazing. Thank you for helping me save my life. Your brother in
Christ, James. God is good!

James is still actively seeking to grow in Christ and is now mentoring other students.

God is good and at work in James' life, may he continue to grow and glorify God.

Omnes gloriam Deo (All glory be to God).


Buddy Hustler - A person who works to build a close, trusting relationship with another person, then takes everything they can from the new friend. Once the "buddy" catches on, the buddy hustler simply moves on to someone else -- preferably someone not known by the previous victim.

In The Classroom

The Fall term is well underway and with 155 students currently enrolled in five SOCPM classes. Of those 38 are first-time students filling the many seats left open by last term's large number of parolees. It is a good mixture of new enrollees.

In the Clasroom 01.jpg

  Mt. Nebo; New Ministry Partnership

SOCPM has collaborated with Mount Nebo Prison Ministries, Gilbert, AZ. I became aware of Mount Nebo through Toby a SOCPM student who told me when he completed the workbook Mt Nebo sent him a free John MacArthur Study Bible.


After contacting Mt. Nebo I was sent 75 workbooks and have since had 55 students enroll. Once they complete the work, they’ll return it to SOCPM for review, and if done satisfactorily SOCPM will forward their name, prison id and prison address to Mt. Nebo who in return sends the student a John MacArthur Bible. This arrangement saves students having to pay postage.