Sheridan Corr. Ctr.

James W.

Scott, I want to thank you for showing me the way to Christ. I came down here last October and got lucky enough to hear the buzz about your classes you teach and lucky enough to get to be part of it (although it’s not luck). Your love for God and living in the walk of Christ inspired me since the first day to accept Jesus as my savior and pursue a righteous life. I know Jesus now and it’s amazing. Thank you for helping me save my life. Your brother in Christ, God is good!

Zahn O.

Scott is a very caring and loving Christian brother and teaches a very caring and dominating force what is right and what is not considering what are they should be what it comes to where we stand as Christians. Scott brings a real down-to-earth brotherhood to us in showing us how a Christian man should walk. Scott is a great example is the changes that will take place over time is our walk with Christ takes on greater meaning as we lose the ways of the flesh.

Timothy B.

I got a lot out of this class it opened my eyes and heart to receive what God has been trying to tell me over the years. I also can apply all the topics to uplift my brothers and sisters in Christ. I really do thank you for giving me this time to fellowship with my brothers in Christ. May God keep you and yours always in the very best of care. I can’t wait for the next class to start. Thank you for everything.

Wayne M.

Scott, thank you for doing what you love to do, for taking time out of your life to fellowship with me, for being a great soldier of Christ, and for actually caring about my children and me and the positive growth of my family. Thank you for caring about my children’s futures and thank you for showing me how to share my love of Jesus Christ with my children and family. I love you too Scott. You’re a great guy and I thank Jesus for introduce you into my life. And I hope to see you in discipleship 101 soon!

Robert H.

I’m very thankful and growing in the Lord, thank you. As you might know this is drug and alcohol program, where they frown when someone says anything other then a higher power AA/NA blah, blah, blah. It is very important you continue to share and bring the name of Jesus Christ to this prison. There is a Catholic stronghold here you must continue to work in the Lord Jesus Christ. Men are growing and can put a name on that higher power, Jesus Christ. When I feel I serve a one step God not a 12-step program. What the Son sets free is free indeed. May God bless your ministry and set men free here. I pray and ask God to send laborers here who will preach the Word boldly, truthfully and unbridled. Thank you and God Bless

Michael B.

I really appreciate the even-tempered non-histrionic approach you take in the presenting of apologetics to use here @ Sheridan Correctional Center. While I appreciate all who take the time to come share “The Good News” with us, your style is easiest for me to adhere to. Many are very pushy and dramatic in their spiritual experiences and presentations. While I am still very much in my spiritual infancy, I have been timid to such displays by what I view as zealots. Your apologetics class allowed me to take an analytical view of why God’s existence makes sense, rather than appealing to my selfishness in the emotional displays of “God will save you from your horrible circumstances (prison).” Many lean on God when they are at their worst, which I understand and believe we all need. Your class has helped me to really understand and incorporate into my daily thoughts the omnipotence and omnipresence of God. For helping me get started on “a true surrender of self” to God. I am grateful. Take care got and God bless you and your family. Your work matters keep it up!