SOCPM Newsletter | March 2023


I apologize for the delay in not sending a February newsletter. I'm still struggling with the motivation to do various tasks after Michelle's death. I've been back in Dixon & Sheridan since mid-January, but because of lockdowns or class cancellations for various reasons, it has resulted in only more lack of motivation. as to what to include in the newsletter. Other personal trials, see On the Home Front, have been a burden.
I ask for grace in the lack of keeping you posted, nonetheless.

SOCPM Inside the Prison Gate: Lockdowns and cancellations

SOCPM Outside the Prison Gate: Connecting with former SOCPM students and ministry partners

On the Home Front: Support through Christ in two areas

On the Prayer Front All things family, SOCPM, and more

These are the topics for this week's SOCPM Newsletter. I hope you enjoy it, despite my lack of an editor. Michelle would like to edit my newsletters (I think she has a deep-seated desire to be an English teacher with a red pencil in hand), but her work voids the time.

To Him be the glory in ALL things and Him alone,

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries

Inside the Gate

Typically a SOCPM term is 14 weeks. It usually is 12 weeks of teaching course material and two weeks of Bonus classes, teaching from various sources. The current SOCPM term began on October 19th, 2022, but because of cancellations for multiple reasons and lockdowns, this past week was week 21. So we're only about halfway through the 12 weeks of course material.

Eight weeks of cancellations were because of Michelle's passing and my need to deal with the loss. In addition, a week of course material was canceled upon my return to discuss my loss and the loss some of my students have experienced.

But since then, there have been three weeks of lockdown at Dixon and one additional class cancellation because of a delay in approval for the March calendar programs. In addition, Sheridan has had two lockdowns and one Discipleship class canceled because of a misstep in issuing passes.

When a class is not held at one facility, I will present a one-time teaching from the SOCPM library. The pre -Covid days may have seen one lockdown or cancellation. But since then, lockdowns are more frequent, and cancellations seem to happen more frequently for whatever reason. I do this to keep the course material synched between the two facilities. Teaching a course's material out of synch is a challenge. Plus, it assures each facility's term will end the same week.

Thankfully, most students will enjoy the replacement teachings. During this term, those teachings have included; Godly Leadership in the Home by Voddie Baucham, Destination of a Kingdom Man by Tony Evans, and Indescribable by Louie Giglio.

The week of March 21st will be canceled at both facilities as I will attend the Ligonier Ministries National Conference. So barring any more lockdowns or cancellations, the term will end on April 21st, week 27. But I'm not holding my breath.

Footnote, as I prepare to send Sheridan was on a level two (staff shortage), lockdown this pass Friday March 10th, 😩

 Outside the Gate

I'm one for a free meal. So, when some invites came my way, it was not hard to resist.

Steve Madawick, Senior Chaplain for New Life Corrections, a ministry of Wayside Cross Ministries, and I met for lunch on January 30th. I always like meeting with Steve as we share the happenings of our respective ministries.

I shared about my return to Dixon and Sheridan, how I was moved by the students' sincerity in their condolences, and how it encouraged me personally. Steve shared IDOC is reopening Stateville NRC Stateville. Steve and his volunteers distribute literature to over 200 inmates when they enter. SOCPM used to go into NRC distributing literature, but it's been a few years, but how I'd like to join him in going into NRC in the coming months. Another possible new ministry serve would be joining Steve when he serves in Kane County distributing literature.

On February 11th, Dixon Chaplain Thomas treated me to a nice brunch at the Butterfly Restaurant in Rochelle, IL. We shared our personal challenges and rewards in our roles in Dixon. We shared more about our personal lives. Chaplain Thomas is one of the best Chaplains I've ever worked with. He has a genuine, sincere heart for the inmates at Dixon.

I had the joy of meeting with Paul, a former SOCPM student. I wrote about him in the last issue of the SOCPM Newsletter. He insisted on buying me lunch on his birthday, February 14th, and for me to choose the restaurant. I choose La Quebrada in Aurora, IL. It was a place Michelle, and I had hoped to visit together, but God had other plans. Nonetheless, it was the best sit-down Mexican dinner I have had in a very long time. To honor Paul's birthday, I gave him a leather-bound Reformation Study Bible and hardback copies of Holiness of God and Chosen by God. These were books Ligonier Ministry had donated to SOCPM.

I've enjoyed my two times with Paul and plan to stay connected. Paul, a recovering addict, has counseled me in my dealings with Cameron. Paul shared that he has some health issues he is 'scared' about. I ask you to keep Paul in your prayers as he will have some tests done on March 22nd. I hope to see Paul sometime this month for lunch, my treat, and visit his church First Baptist Church in Aurora, where he plays the drums. 

My reconnecting with Paul has motivated me to try and reconnect with other SOCPM students who have been discharged. I have a few in mind.

On the Home Fron

The homefront is definitely different without Michelle. I miss her terribly. I'm attending Grief Share Monday evenings, which has been more helpful than I thought. Still, I'm contemplating having one-on-one counseling after learning Medicare would cover it.

I had an MRI and a CT scan earlier this month to monitor my vestibular disorders. I was experiencing headaches and lightheadedness more frequently. Praise God the scans did not show any worsening issues. The VRT has been helpful. I need to be more disciplined in doing the VRT exercises. No surprise there. I wish I could say I've returned to doing my three times a week on the treadmill, but shamefully I haven't. As I mentioned above, my motivation has been unacceptable. Hence, the one on one counseling.

My CG (community group) s doing a study titled 'The Parables of King Jesus,' which motivated me to read a book I gave to my students a few years ago, The Parables of Jesus by James Montgomery Boice. I'm finding it a good read and wish I hadn't put off reading it, but better late than never.

I'm looking forward to Spring and grilling on the patio. The garage can use some cleaning, but nothing too time-consuming. I have some items we used to keep in the trunk of the Toyota, which I sold to CarMax in January; sitting on the floor, I need to find a place to store long-term off the floor. Then the resuming of the monthly sweeping of the garage. Probably as boring to read as it is to write 🥱, but I wanted to add more content.

On the Prayer front 

Cameron - Cameron remains in Pima County Jail. Too long to get into, but the fact that he is not out has made Cameron angry toward God. I'm looking for a place for him to live at his request, but without a definite release date, it's not the best use of my time to try to help. I'm searching for a program providing housing, meals, and counseling. I found one God's Rescue Mission. Cameron has rejected it, but I will resume researching their services. I'm also trying to turn his phone back on, but he doesn't remember the passcode or the password for his e-mail 😵‍💫. Bottom line, pray for his salvation, safety, a place to live, and ideally, an inpatient program with counseling. Through all that and with God in his life, Cameron can discover the joy of the Lord.

Self - Pray for me to overcome my lack of motivation. I can resume exercising and eating healthier. Though family, friends, church family, and counseling have been helping, my loneliness for Michelle is my biggest struggle. My prayer life and studying God's Word are improving, but it is more of a task than a desire. Please pray that God will give me the passion I need in prayer, reading, and studying His Word.

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